Demonstration of Jupyter Workflow with Syzygy

Quantum Chemistry

Demonstration of Jupyter Workflow with Syzygy

Your first assignment is to use a Python Jupyter notebook which demos the grading scheme for the class using Numpy. The basic steps, which are demonstrated in the below video tutorial, are:

  1. Log into This is a JupyterHub.
  2. Open the notebook provided via nbgitpuller by clicking the link. This link will work if you are a McMaster student. Otherwise, use the link. You can also download the file directly.
  3. Complete the assignment at the bottom of the file.
  4. Turn in your notebook as the solution for this assignment on MSTeams. For information on how to turn in an assignment with Microsoft Teams, see the webpage.

Please refer to the assignments on Python, Jupyter, and Numpy for further training. Some of you will need to complete these assignments before you can complete this one.